Autoclave Servicing Requirements

Autoclaves must be maintained and serviced regularly to ensure safe and correct operation and that all items that have been sterilised remain compliant with relevant legislation. If a servicing schedule isn’t adhered to, the risk of inadequate sterilisation increases, leading to environmental transmission of pathogens or healthcare associated infections (HAI) spreading between individuals.

Whilst different manufacturers will have their own personalised servicing and maintenance requirements, we would always recommend the following checks and cleaning schedules are undertaken.

Autoclave Cleaning Schedules

  • Daily clean - this clean should ensure the interior is free of debris, including the heating element. If any spills occur, cleaning may need to happen more than once per day.

The daily clean should also ensure that water levels remain optimum and that the door seals are clean. The temperature and pressure gauges are also essential and should be checked for properly functioning every day.

  • Weekly clean – the weekly clean should include draining the reservoir fully and refilling with purified water. We have written more about why you need to use purified water in an autoclave in a previous post. The chamber and accessories/internal furniture should all be cleaned and the drain checked. Steam filters need to be inspected and changed if necessary.
  • Monthly clean – Check all valves and the heating element monthly to ensure they are functioning correctly. Look over all wires and note any with wear that need replacing. Ensure the chamber is clean and clean further if required and check for any overall leaks, corrosion or damage.

Autoclave Servicing

  • Quarterly inspection – we would recommend the autoclave is inspected quarterly for any malfunction in mechanical and electrical components. All sensors should be calibrated and tested.
  • Semi-annual inspection (every 6 months) – check the door seals, make sure they do not show signs of wear and replace if needed. The chamber should be inspected for integrity and leaks, as well as all piping.
  • Annual inspection – the annual inspection needs to be conducted ideally by a qualified engineer, in case anything needs to be replaced or repaired. The annual service ensures these problems are detected at an early stage so the autoclave does not fail and there is no lack of service. All sensors and controls will be calibrated, sensors checked and any worn out parts will be identified with recommendations for repair or replacement.

YESON Servicing Options

All of our Class B autoclaves come with a 1-year parts and labour warranty, however realistically problems will most likely occur outside of this timeframe. We offer ongoing servicing and maintenance contracts through our recommended service provider to ensure any issues can be dealt with swiftly.

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